Friday, September 17, 2010

Well this is my first ever blog no quite sure how all this will work.  Anyway I am so enthusiastic about the use of videoconferencing in Deaf education..I will be using a software created by Nefsis This a relatively new concept but makes so much sense what better way for the deaf to be involved in distance learning than with the use of their first language ASL. Having the support of a teacher using ASL in a videoconference but with options for white board, chat, and powerpoint presentations all in the comfort of their own homes.  
I came across this article that talked about a research project that was being done on the vary same topic in 1999.... it was from Gateshead College and they conducted case study the goal was to" explore and develop the use of videoconferencing for Deaf adults" The study worked within a college to determine what information and language for teaching and learning Deaf learners was needed. This project specifically showed the relevance to the specific needs of the Deaf.  It said that "Videoconferencing gave the Deaf  an opportunity to use their first language for teaching and learning." Sutherland, A. & Padden, T. (1999). Further research has revealed many more recent studies.

I am very excited as I begin this process it works so well in a hearing classroom I look forward to this experience and will document my progress in this forum this will be a first in MN.

Hope that you will enjoy my updates and progress.